"Let us also go with him and die with him"
My Lord! My God!
Welcome to the Land of Martyrdom! Birthplace and Cradle of Christianity in India!
Proclaiming As A National Shrine
This holy shrine was proclaimed as National Shrine on 8th January, 2010.
Welcome To
St. Thomas Mount National Shrine
St. Thomas Mount, the Holy Hill with it's spiritual, historical and Architectural importance just completed celebrating the Quincentennial year. The yearlong celebrations were launched by His Excellency Most Rev Leopoldo Girelli, Nuncio for India and Nepal, on this Holy Hill.
The Church was built by the Portuguese in the year 1523 and they dedicated the Shrine to “Our Lady of Expectation”. The Shrine has seen 500 years of uninterrupted liturgical celebrations with Holy masses and related liturgical activities on a day-to-day basis. This is the Holy Hill where St. Thomas the Apostle shed his blood as a brave martyr in the year 72 AD. History and tradition points to a pedestal that was built in 105 AD and it is on that very spot that St. Thomas Mount National Shrine was built. Hence this Holy Hill has been attracting pilgrims, visitors and tourists from Local and international destinations all through the year.

Love Meal
The basic needs of today's people are love and food. The love meal 'Anbunavu' was started on Sep 8th, 2009 to feed the poor and the pilgrims.
our ministries
Give help
where it's
needed most
our ministries
Love is
the greatest
in life

Marriage Bureau
Being someone's first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.

Blood Donation
Your droplets of blood may create an ocean of happiness. We organise blood donation camps every first Sundays of the month between 5pm and 7pm.
give blood, feel proud