Seminarians Sponsorship

Help to assist young men on their journey to priesthood

Sadly, every year many vocations are lost because poor families cannot afford to pay their child’s seminary education. The diocese and religious orders also struggle to finance the formation of their candidates, and in turn, they are forced to turn many good men awayWe believe that it is our privilege to support the vocations to the priesthood for those who have the calling, but who are blocked due to financial limitations.  

A monthly contribution of as little as Rs.500.00, Rs. 1500.00 or Rs.2500.00 is invested together with the gifts of other sponsors, providing the funds our seminarians need each year. 

Supporting the seminary education of a young man who has received the call to the priesthood creates a ripple effect of God’s grace that will continue far beyond the few years of seminary!

All your donations are tax-deductible.

If you have questions or need more information call +91-44-2231-1925

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