124 Relics of Apostles and Saints

St. Paul calls the believers of the early Christian community as ‘Saints’ (Col 1:2). We are also called to be Saints. To make us God-like, God sent His only Son as man. Saints were ordinary people who have crossed the path of being in sin, but have overcome the wails and temptations of life and are now crowned with the glory of God and are in heavenly abode looking at His face and praising Him unceasingly. The people who are leading a sinful life if they denounce that life and follow Jesus, then they too can attain the kingdom of heaven.

For our day to day living we need the intercession and protection of Saints. It is in remembrance of Saints we celebrate Nov 2nd as “All Saints Day”. Saints are ordinary people who led ordinary lives with extraordinary love for God. The things used in their day to day living or any part of their body uncoupled by the passing of line are termed as “Relics.” These relics are venerated by the Catholic Community. And Every Catholic Church has its altar consecrated by the Relic of a Saint.

St. Paul calls the believers of the early Christian community as ‘Saints’ (Col 1:2). We are also called to be Saints. To make us God-like, God sent His only Son as man. Saints were ordinary people who have crossed the path of being in sin, but have overcome the wails and temptations of life and are now crowned with the glory of God and are in heavenly abode looking at His face and praising Him unceasingly. The people who are leading a sinful life if they denounce that life and follow Jesus, then they too can attain the kingdom of heaven.

For our day to day living we need the intercession and protection of Saints. It is in remembrance of Saints we celebrate Nov 2nd as “All Saints Day”. Saints are ordinary people who led ordinary lives with extraordinary love for God. The things used in their day to day living or any part of their body uncoupled by the passing of line are termed as “Relics.” These relics are venerated by the Catholic Community. And Every Catholic Church has its altar consecrated by the Relic of a Saint.

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